use your brains people

We’ve all seen the classic facebook post – My account was hacked, add this new account.

The reason probably stems from the fact that you are a dumbass who thinks companies give free shit away all the time. Here’s a clue – COMPANIES DO NOT STAY IN BUSINESS BY GIVING EVERYTHING AWAY.

So, I thought I’d take a stroll on facebook and see what stupidity was rampant, and it didn’t take long …

And will you look at that – you won! Of course you won – and almost instantly. So if that wasn’t the first sign that this is bullshit, I bet you’re going to be stupid enough to pursue this…

So after we take a stroll over to their page (which has nothing except this post) we have to Like and Share (because they want all the stupid people), and then we have to follow some fucked-up link that is clouded in mystery.

Well, we’ve come this far down the rabbit hole, let’s see where we go…

although I thought I’d tear that link apart first and see where it takes us. Blogspot – interesting. That was the google blogging site like 10 years ago. I think it’s called Blogger now. So now I know this is bullshit, and it has been bullshit for at least 10 years, and people are still spreading it around.

so what’s down the rabbit hole?

I can’t tell you where this link takes us. While testing, I use a browser that doesn’t allow me to get screwed over, so it just sat there spinning an icon and then didn’t load a page.

This usually happens if there is something on the other side trying to harvest info.

So, bottom line with this. Start clicking and posting and sharing dumb shit like this and you’ll be going on a journey, although it won’t be to Punta Cana.